Metro Tech has turned an annual Fall Garden Festival into a full-scale community celebration to showcase the high school to neighbors, prospective students, and parents.
Students and staff will showcase the unique school, which features over 20 Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, as well as a four-year academic program. This year Metro Tech has been awarded a grant from the Science Foundation of Arizona to create educational projects to help reduce our carbon footprints. This Festival will include a new interactive presentation area that showcases eco-friendly ideas in addition to our famous plant sale, crafts, food, silent auction, rummage sale, kids play area, student art show and exhibits, and portraits at affordable prices. Student organizations such as Future Business Leaders of America, DECA and SkillsUSA, and local businesses will have booths and displays.
Seminars with Metro Techs’ new partner HealthCorps® will also take place.. HealthCorps is a non-profit organization founded by renowned heart surgeon and talk show host, Dr Mehmet C. Oz, to educate and empower students in high schools across America to take charge of their health. Metro Tech is one of only 50 schools nationally offering this groundbreaking program. The HealthCorps curriculum is focused on nutrition, fitness and mental resiliency. Health Coordinators, recent college graduates who defer studies in medicine or healthy policy for two years to mentor teens, carry out the mentoring program.
Metro Tech High School is a comprehensive magnet high school in the Phoenix Union High School District serving 1,420 full time students and almost 1300 dual students from other Phoenix Union schools that enroll in morning or afternoon CTE classes as juniors and seniors. CTE programs are designed to prepare students for entry- level career opportunities, as well as technical, college or university studies. The school also offers evening classes and vocation programs specifically designed to the meet the needs of special education students.
Metro Tech is a Performing Plus school, and Meets Adequate Yearly Progress in state and federal accountability rankings, reflecting its strong academics and student achievement.
Saturday, October 24th, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Metro Tech High School
1900 W. Thomas Road in Phoenix. (corner of 19th Ave. and Thomas)
Metro Tech students and staff, parents, community members and local businesses
Mary Throop Metro Tech Practical Horticulture Teacher (602) 764-8183
Chris Liebelt-Garcia, Metro Tech Business Teacher (602) 764-8376
Source: Phoenix Union High School District