METRO and arts venues team-up on new Ride Guide, special deals
METRO and arts venues team-up on new Ride Guide, special deals
METRO and 39 arts organizations will mark National Arts and Humanities Month with the release of a pocket-size guide to arts venues along the light rail line.
Eleven arts venues will concurrently launch special discounts for transit riders.
Two mayors and the chair of the METRO Board of Directors will speak about the importance of arts organizations to the Valley economy. Arts organizations and their patrons are responsible for $443 million in economic activity annually in Phoenix and the East Valley.
12:25pm New start time. (Previously scheduled for noon)
Wednesday, October 21
METRO station at Roosevelt and Central Avenue
Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman
Mesa Mayor Scott Smith
Phoenix Vice Mayor and METRO Board Chair Tom Simplot
Info and Visuals
Information on economic impact of the arts and details on special discounts offered by arts venues will be available.
The elected officials will be joined by costumed performers featured in the Arts and Culture Ride Guide, including a ballerina, a Shakespearean actress, a puppeteer and a 65-million-year-old carnivorous dinosaur.
Source: Metro Light Rail
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